tokyo ueno station

living an ending that has no end

a tale by yu miri

art credits

I did not live with intent, I only lived.

Raindrops suddenly began to fall, wetting the roofs of the huts. They fell regularly, like the weight of life or of time.

I fumble for a way out, I want to see one so badly, but the darkness does not fall nor does the light shine in.

It's over, but it never ends...

this constant anguish, sorrow, grief -

I stood alone in the darkness.
Light does not illuminate.

It only looks for things to illuminate.
And I had never been found by the light.

I would always be in darkness -

Is death where time stops and the self is left all alone in this space? Is death where space and the self are erased and only time continues?

With my eyes shut, the noise of the city lost its place of origin and redirected itself, until I no longer knew if the sounds were coming in at me or if I were moving towards the sounds.

I felt as if I were at one with them, sucked up into the air, disappearing without a trace.

To speak is to stumble, to hesitate, to detour and hit dead ends. To listen is straightforward. You can always just listen.
The calendar separates today from yesterday and tomorrow, but in life there is no distinguishing past, present, and future. We all have an enormity of time, too big for one person to deal with, and we live, and we die -
Little by little, little by little, the light faded and the ocean calmed as if sinking into a coma.
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