
  1. Beyond the Board

    August 11, 2024
    A meet-up attended with KanBan SG by Shalom Chin —– Three false beliefs Being busy is goodAnyone with less than full utilisation is a wasteWe can multitask —– How to improve our delivery time? Hire more peopleWork longer hoursIncrease delivery rate by improving processesReduce WIP —– System WIP Limits Simple…

  2. How to Write

    August 10, 2024
    Memo draft by David Oglivy —– Read the Roman-Raphaelson book on writing three times.Write the way you talk. Naturally.Use short words, short sentences, and short paragraphs.Never use jargon. They are hallmarks of a pretentious ass.Never write more than two pages on any subject.Check your quotations.Never send a letter or…

  3. Prompting Frameworks

    August 4, 2024
    ChatGPT by Steve Nouri —– Challenge - Limitation - Effect - Action - Result Used to outline challenges, describe limitations, propose actions, predict outcomes Identify a [Challenge], acknowledge a [Limitation], predict the [Effect], propose an [Action], and envisage the [Result] —– Strengths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats Strategic planning…

  4. 21 Skills

    August 4, 2024
    Pay you forever by unknown author —– General Know when to walk awayStay positive and optimisticManage time effectivelyInvest money in myselfRemain consistentDo things irrespective of situationKeep trying even after failure —– Communication Sell and negotiateConvey what you think and feel Shut up, listen and learn from others Speak in front…

  5. 10/20/30 Rule

    August 3, 2024
    Stop Boring Your Audience by Guy Kawasaki —– 10 Slides The ProblemYour SolutionBusiness ModelUnderlying MagicMarketing & SalesCompetitionYour TeamProjectionsTimeline & StatusCall to Action —– 20 Minutes Outline key points, distill to essential informationPractice your timing, rehearse to stay within 20 minsBe concise, avoid unnecessary detailsUse a timer in rehearsalsAdjust your pacing,…

  6. Asking for feedback

    July 28, 2024
    The Four-part Formula —– Questions How am I doing?How are we doing as a team?Have you received any feedback from others about me or my work?Is there anyone I should be collaborating with or supporting?Are there any changes happening that you can share with me?Where do you think I show…

  7. Focus

    July 27, 2024
    A book I came across in the airport by Unknown Author —– Belief #1 — The default answer is no. Avoid saying yes to every request. Instead, make no your default answer.Remember, whenever you say yes to something you move your focus away from other things you could be doing…

  8. GenAI

    July 21, 2024
    On Track by Allie K. Miller —– Belief  AI is a toy, all hypeAI is a tool, helps me be more efficientAI is a system, shift in how we work —– Policy on AI usage Bans all versions and formsAllows only a few but with a clear policy aroundMulti-tiered tool…

  9. Bossypants

    July 20, 2024
    Things I Learned from Lorne Michaels by Tina Fey —– Producing is about discouraging creativity. Your job is to police enthusiasm. —– The show doesn’t go on because it’s ready; it goes on because it’s 11:30. You have to try your hardest to be at the top of your game…

  10. Great Copies

    March 20, 2022
    Writing your way ahead in advertising by Kemeny, Thomas —– Headlines Make headlines grand, about bigger truths. Remove words “like,” “stuff,” and “things,” out of headlines.Break the language. Never let people guess your next word.Write body copy, then headline.Reference literature for metaphors. Use well-known sayings.Be bland, then add sparkles.Make line…

  11. Burnt out?

    March 20, 2022
    Questions to ask —– There are six key areas where you could experience imbalances that lead to burnout. Workload: do you chronically feel overloaded, and do you have opportunities to rest and recover?Perceived lack of control: do you lack autonomy, access to resources, and a say in decisions?Rewards: do the…

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