Prompting Frameworks


by Steve Nouri


Challenge - Limitation - Effect - Action - Result

  • Used to outline challenges, describe limitations, propose actions, predict outcomes
  • Identify a [Challenge], acknowledge a [Limitation], predict the [Effect], propose an [Action], and envisage the [Result]


Strengths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats

  • Strategic planning framework that can be adapted to AI prompting to analyse situations or decisions
  • Analyse [Strengths], acknowledge [Weaknesses], explore [Opportunities], and consider [Threats]


Problem - Action - Result

  • Often used in behavioural interview contexts but focuses on problem-solving scenarios
  • State the [Problem], describe the [Action] taken, and reveal the [Result]


Attention - Interest - Desire - Action

  • Marketing framework for creating engaging content that grabs attention, piques interest, creates desire and compels action
  • Capture the audience’s [Attention], maintain their [Interest], create [Desire] for the product, and prompt [Action]


Situation - Task - Action - Result

  • Often used in behavioural interview contexts
  • Describe the [Situation], outline the [Task], detail [Action] taken, and share the [Result]


Performance measure - Environment - Actuators - Sensors

  • Commonly used in the context of AI systems design, to define the scope of an agent’s abilities
  • Present [Situation], introduce [Complication], ask [Question], and provide [Answer]


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